Standguide Group incorporates:

Standguide Logo

Founded in 1990, Standguide Limited continues to support hundreds of employers and thousands of participants per year, providing employment advice, funded qualifications and business mentoring and recruitment.

Standguide Limited’s comprehensive and successful delivery portfolio includes employment, education and rehabilitation services UK-wide on behalf of the Department for Work & Pensions, Education & Skills Funding Agency, NHS and Ministry of Justice as well as local and combined authorities, both as a direct deliverer and through effective management of supply chain partners.


Principally Health Logo

Principally Health Limited delivers not-for-profit preventative health services and bespoke support for vulnerable individuals to move closer to employment and independence.

Established in 2011, Principally Health specialities include wellbeing, autism, learning difficulties and disabilities as well as social isolation. Through tailored support, participants across the UK have increased their resilience, support networks, self-esteem, motivation and ability to self-manage their circumstances.


Staffroutes deliver commercial business services. Most importantly we ensure businesses recruit the right people through our rigorous selection process. By matching the right people to the right jobs and supporting them to ensure career development in the workplace, we enable greater productivity and profitability for employers and strengthen the local economy.

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